The Grand Council of Cryptic Masons |
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New York Grand Council Past Proceedings
Please order the full OCR Catalog Search DVD from your Recorder or contact our Grand Recorder.
All DVD Sales proceeds go to benefit NYS Cryptic Charities and The Grand Cryptic Council. |
Consolidated Histories
1810 – 1860 : Proceedings of Columbian Council No. 1 to the formation of the New York Grand Council of Royal Master Masons (1823) to its union with the New York Grand Council of Royal & Select Masters (1860). |
1854 – 1861 : The constitution of the New York Grand Council of Royal & Select Masters and proceedings from 1845 to 1861. |
1810 – 1873 : A consolidated history of the New York Grand Council of Royal & Select Masters from its inception to 1873. |
Proceedings from the 1800s
Proceedings from the 1900s
Proceedings from the 2000s
2003 |
All information posted
on this Web site is provided as a courtesy by the Grand Council of Cryptic
Masons of the State of New York. While the information is believed to
be accurate as of the time of its posting on our site, our Grand Council
cannot ensure that the information remains accurate over time. |