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The Grand Council of Cryptic Masons
of the State of New York
Grand Officers 2024-2025

Grand Council Officers 2024-25

Grand Master M:.I:. Daniel D. Elliott
Deputy Grand Master R:.I:. Richard Kerimoglu
Grand Principal Conductor
of the Works
R:.I:. Carl J. Klossner
Grand Recorder M:.I:. John A. Gallant
Grand Treasurer M:. I:. David H. Raymond
Grand Captain
of the Guard
R:.I:. Ernest W. Parker
Grand Conductor
of the Council
R:.I:. Garry W. Krom
Grand Marshal R:.I:. Steven P. Koch
Grand Standard Bearer R:.I:. Steven W. Howard
Grand Steward R:.I:. A. Harry Williams
Grand Sentinel R:.I:. Bruce B. McQuade
Grand Trustee M:.I:. Donald R. Kunego
Grand Trustee M:. I:. Garry R. Hutchurson
Grand Trustee M:. I:. Richard C. Fowler
Grand Lecturer R:.I:. Frank M Fancher
Deputy Grand Lecturer R:.I:. Stuart R. Card
Judge Advocate R:.I:. Paul G. Huck
Grand Historian R:.I:. James Reichman
Grand Archivist R:.I:. Richard J. Powell
Grand Chaplain M:.I:. Charles M. Roberts
Grand Chaplain R:. I:. Rev. Stenrick B. Adams
Grand Chaplain R:. I:. Nathan D. Lipper
Grand Musician R:. I:. Gerald F. Irwin

Grand Council District Deputy Grand Masters

District Deputy Grand Masters 2024-25

(Left to Right)
R:.I:. David B. Pritt - Dist. 2; R:.I:. Grant Held - Dist. 1; R:.I:. Robert Drzewucki - Dist. 9;
M:.I:. Daniel Elliott - Grand Master; R:.I:. David Barnes - Dist. 4; R:.I:. Louis Irizarry - Dist. 2


Grand Council Grand Lecturers and AGLs

Grand Lectuers and Assistant Grand Lecturers 2024-25

(Left to Right)
V:.I:. Robert K. Yee - Dist. 1; V:.I:. Charles J. Raymond - Dist. 8; R:.I:. Frank Fancher - Grand Lecturer
R:.I:. Stuard Card - Deputy Grand Lecturer; V:.I:. Michael A. Miller - Dist. 6


All information posted on this Web site is provided as a courtesy by the Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of the State of New York. While the information is believed to be accurate as of the time of its posting on our site, our Grand Council cannot ensure that the information remains accurate over time.

Please contact the Grand Recorder and the Web Administrator if you discover any errors or omissions in the information provided on this site.